The objective of achieving a standard of excellence in all matters in the field of health and safety is an integral part of realising the Royal BAM Group’s goal.
Safety is unconditional. It comes before planning or profit. After a hard day's work, we all want to go home safely. And the next day, start a new working day healthy. A safe working day. Not only the 20,000 people who work at BAM, but also partners, suppliers and clients with whom we work on a daily basis. We look after ourselves, each other and society as a whole. On the construction site, on the road and in the office; Your Safety is My Safety.
Creating a safe working environment throughout BAM's supply chain is of great importance to achieving the Group's safety objectives. This is done by:
This safety approach is designed to continuously improve BAM's safety performance and achieve its strategic objectives.
The Executive Committee of Royal BAM Group has identified a series of key points for improving safety performance. These key points should be seen in addition to and in conjunction with the Code of Conduct as established by the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee believes that Royal BAM Group nv develops, designs, builds and manages projects that meet the needs of people and the environment. By 'people' we mean everyone who is involved in or influenced by the Group's activities: employees, clients, designers, partners, suppliers, subcontractors, buyers and citizens. The ‘environment’ refers to our respect for and protection of our planet and all its natural life forms.
This means that the policy of Royal BAM Group nv and its operating companies is to carry out all working activities in a manner that exceeds our legal obligations.
Royal BAM Group looks to ensure that:
The statements below communicate the values, ambitions and underlying principles of Your Safety is My Safety:
'Safety is unconditional. It is more important than planning or profit. More important than anything you can think of'.
‘After a hard day's work, we all want to go home safely. Get up the next day healthy and start a new working day: a safe working day'.
‘Safety is something we work on together. That's why we make all our employees aware of their responsibilities. Not only BAM's 20,000 people on the payroll, but also our partners, suppliers and the clients with whom we work on a daily basis. We take responsibility for ourselves and for each other and society; on location, on the road and in the office.'
Every employee of Royal BAM Group and its operating companies has a direct responsibility in achieving these goals. It requires good co-operation and continuous commitment. The management has an exemplary function in this process. We trust everyone to support and propagate this policy.