Construction commences on Egied Van Broeckhoven School in Belgium

Construction commences on Egied Van Broeckhoven School in Belgium

Brussels, 2 September 2022 - On 31 August 2022, the foundation stone was laid commencing construction on the Egied Van Broeckhoven School in Belgium.

When it opens in September 2024, the new school will help address the school shortage in Brussels. It will accommodate 850 secondary school pupils with a focus on technical and vocational education, specifically ‘STEM’ and ‘Society and Welfare’ subjects. It is being built in the former bottling plant of the Vandenheuvel brewery, at the West Station in Molenbeek. A special feature of this school will be the benefits it brings to the local community, it will open outside school hours to be used by neighbourhood groups and associations.

The foundation stone was laid in the presence of:

  • Eddy Van de Velde, managing director vzw Sint Ignatius Scholen in Beweging;
  • Marc Desmet sj, regional superior of the region of European Low Countries.

As well as numerous prominent figures, including the following ministers:

  • Ben Weyts, Vlaams minister van Onderwijs (Flemish Minister for Education);
  • Sven Gatz,, minister van Financiën van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest (Brussels Minister of Finance);
  • Pascal Smet, staatssecretaris van Stedenbouw, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest (Brussels Secretary of State for Urban Planning);
  • Benjamin Dalle, Vlaams minister van Brussel, Jeugd, media en Armoedebestrijding (Flemish Minister for Brussels, Youth, Media and Poverty reduction).

Sebald van Royen, Managing Director (Netherlands and Belgium) for Invesis, commented: ‘We are delighted to be involved in this unique education project of the non-profit association ‘Ignatius Scholen in Beweging’ and we look forward to working with our partner, Alheembouw, and the other ABC02 consortium members on this very important project as an Investor. Our mission at Invesis is to build a lasting legacy for future generations, to transform the lives of communities through sustainable infrastructure and there is no better way to do this than through creating first class learning environments for young people to help them flourish in life. Invesis has one of the largest portfolios of education in the market and is able to bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in managing the realisation and maintenance of this DBFMO school for our client and partners.’

Click here for the original news release.

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